I have just done something I have never done before in my whole life!
I’ve spent a very pleasant fifteen minutes watching a sheep demonstration online as part of the Virtual Great Yorkshire Show.
So is this the new normal?
Usually, around 140,000 people would be enjoying three days of fun, farming, food and drink at the fabulous Great Yorkshire Show in Harrogate! However, just like nearly everything in 2020 the event has been cancelled due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). What a brilliant and engaging idea from the Yorkshire Agricultural Society to put some of their ‘best bits’ online for fans of agriculture to enjoy. As well as the sheep there’s Rosemary Shrager, The Yorkshire Vets and even a virtual beer tasting with the world-famous Black Sheep Beer Tent.
Now is the time to embrace the opportunity of going virtual and the benefits it generates for your brand!
Rudding Park Hotel re-opened to help their guests so they can enjoy staying with social distancing measures in place. Plus keeping customers updated by emailing out a tour of their room (including how to work the lights, the minibar etc) as part of their new look transformative Concierge service.

Care Homes have worked tirelessly to ensure safe environments for residents and staff and are now showing their new measures in virtual tours to keep relatives and friends updated.
Next, you’ll be seeing Secondary schools like Queen Ethelburgas hosting online Open days to show prospective students and parents what amazing staff and facilities they have.
As social distancing continues over the next few months you can reach a new audience by using video to show off your best side!
All video needs to be professional, polished and full of the personality to show what makes your business so special. The people who appear should come across warm and friendly, just like the kind of people you’d like to do business with.
Get that content just right for your brand and you will begin to reach audiences in places it would have reached done before!